mc clay club

The blog of the Lone Star Montgomery Clay Club.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


I hope everyone is having a great summer. Staying away from the floods and such. Wanted to remind you people to watch for their ClayHouston Fest is on June23&24


Monday, May 07, 2007

Weimer was wonderful

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Friday, May 04, 2007

Wood Fire this weekend...

If this is friday May 4th, the anagama in wiemer is being fired right now!!!! There is also a pit-fire planned -same place- this weekend. I'd (the blog would) very much like to hear from ppl who were there how it went so let me know. Plus, send any pictures you get/take and I will post them here.

meanwhile. very quiet on campus today. strangely dark in the studio...for a friday.

The sale on Thursday was a hit. Thank you for all your dedication to the cause and for your efforts and for all the beautiful pieces that were donated for the sale. You know who you are.